Leo Clubs

Tokay High School Leo Club and San Joaquin Omega Leo Club

San Joaquin Lions Club in Stockton CA proudly sponsors these two clubs.

LEO stands for Leadership – Experience – Opportunity

Website: https://www.lionsclubs.org/en/discover-our-clubs/about-leos
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leoclubs/
San Joaquin Omega Leo Club Advisor: Eugenia Hernandez
Tokay High School Leo Club Advisor: Eugenia Hernandez

There are two types of Leo Clubs

  • Alpha Leo club for kids aged 12-18 years old
  • Omega Leo club for kids aged 18-30 years old

Together, Leos and Lions perform a powerful partnership. There are more than 7,400 clubs worldwide in over 150 countries. Leos are over 160,000 members strong and last year Leos performed over 40,000 projects worldwide. Our district is proud to sponsor more than 10 Leo and Omega clubs. Is your club interesting is starting a Leo club or if you know of a youth interested in joining or starting a Leos club, contact a District team member.